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更新時間:2016-12-28 點擊量:555

2/2-way valves DN 8 to DN 25
For hot water and steam
Indirectly solenoid actuated
Diaphragm valves
Internal thread G 1/4 to G 1 or 1/4 NPT to 1 NPT
Operating pressure 0.1 to 10 bar
Description (standard valve)
Design acc. to DIN VDE 0580
Voltage range ±10 %
100 % duty cycle
Protection class acc. to EN 60529 IP65
Socket Form A acc. to DIN EN 175301-803 (included)
AC with rectifier plug
Power Consumption
According to DIN VDE 0580 at coil temperature
of +20 °C. In operation the power consumption of the
solenoid decreases by approx. 30 %.
Solenoid valve for hot water and steam
Switching function: normally closed
Flow direction: determined
Differential pressure: 0.1 bar required
Fluid temperature: 0 °C up to max. +150 °C
Ambient temperature: –10 °C up to max. +60 °C
Mounting position: as required, preferably with
solenoid vertical on top


郵箱:15214375780@163.com 地址:上海市松江區(qū)高技路655號4棟413-415


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